Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm back

I did get back in but now I have so much to do. It was like time just froze there is stuff I made but just never put on sale.stuff just stopped mid build. I also need to rebuild some stuff with larger prims to get some prims back to use. Set up new vendors.

Friday, April 13, 2012

3 years

It has been 3 years but I may be coming back to SL. I have been waiting for linden lab to make there choices on there freebie road map but since they have not done anything in years I may try SL again.

Funny looking around on blogs, the web and the market many of the people that wanted to band freebies and dollarbies from SL are no longer in SL or changed what they were doing. But the whole time my 1L$ items just keep selling..... There sales suck so they blame others but it looks more like people just did not want there stuff LOL