Monday, February 2, 2015

The LL Mesh Avatars

To expand on my last post here are the current Mesh Avatars from LL

Like I said the Monsters are cool and some you just cant get with out Mesh

Now the people are they that much better? Then system people?

Is Mesh avatars good for Second Life?

Linden Lab is famous for doing things they think are good that causes a problem and makes a ripple that is felt for years. Like removing last names made a division between old and new members and took away one of the ways people made communities around the names, They thought getting rid of magic boxes would be good because anyone can now sell on Market Place. But the down fall is now you don't need land to keep your magic box so no need to become premium to get your 512 or linden home or even the need to rent land. Hence lots of abandoned land.

Now don't get me wrong I love mesh! You can make things in mesh that would be hard to do in just prims and sculpty is good but can be a PIA. Sure the system hands suck so replacing them with mesh might be good so you can walk around flashing the peace sign. and Mesh feet..... Well the ladies do like there shoes in SL as much as RL so that is easy.

Next is Mesh clothes. The big claim to fame for Mesh clothes is they don't look tight like system clothes. But I just know many of the fashion bloggers who are clamming this is SL are sitting there in RL wearing yoga pants. So with Mesh clothes to get that loose fit to mimic what cant be as tight as system clothes you have to use standard sizes, alpha layers to change the shape you love so much and worked to hard to perfect. Liquid Mesh may fix this but that is way to new.

You all know I am big on SL for cheep because I think more people are a good thing in SL and not everyone wants or can spend money to play. Mesh is still new so it cuts down on the variety of clothes available and worst it takes away years and years of freebies that were available.

Sure with applying more mesh designers may come around but lets face it they are confusing. If they don't do Omega or Slink your limited not to mention all the other brands. We all know the one thing we all need more of to keep people playing SL is more confusion.

Now past the clothes we have full mesh avatars. Sure they have a place. The monsters (LL calls them vampires) are cool and with out mesh you are not going to get them but human avatars? Can you not get the same look from moving sliders or buying a shape? Now LL is putting each new member in Mesh as soon as they come in world. How long before they go to Yars and get tons of free stuff they can't wear?