Saturday, January 17, 2009

My SL Family

Let me start my first post by introducing my SL family.

On the Left is Rat Burger. Fans of the movie "Demolition Man" will understand his name ( )Next sitting on the couch is Marykay McMillan. Marykay is my SL partner and my RL live-in girlfriend of over 6 years. Her name comes from her RL name of Marykay and the only Irish sounding last name they had at the time she started in SL.

Standing in the back to the right of Marykay is Page Furse. Page is my female alt, I use her mainly for photos to model some of the stuff I make. Her name came from the fact I like the TV show Charmed ( and one of the
characters is named Paige. I just spelled it different; the last name I just picked at random.

The little guy on the floor under Page is Leak Frog. Fans and some users of the site ( ) will understand how he got his name.

To the right of Page and Leak Frog is Dog Mighty. Every US dog owner I am sure has seen the Purina Mighty Dog
(tm) brand of dog food. ( Dog goes around SL as a cat.
Next is me Jdtrue Writer. My first name comes from the J in my RL first name John then my RL middle initial D and part of my RL last name. My SL last name Writer come from the fact I am a published author (my books are not about SL..... I write training material for the security industry).

Last but not least is my little monkey CharlesRob Darwin. Since he is a Darwin I had to make him a monkey. I also use him for one of my SL builds the "HMS Beagle".
That I will blog about later.

Well that is all the family. Three people, three tinys and a Furry -- they could almost make it to the Springer show (

So what do you think of my Family?

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