Friday, January 9, 2015

Free petite avatar

You may have noticed the ZooKeeper is a petite in one of her forms. While most petites avatars cost between L$700 and L$1200 there is a free one available inworld. 
ZooKeeper fairy Minikin

This great item was made posable by Caverna Obscura there store can be found here Caverna Obscura it can be found in the petite section (use the transporter inside the front door) you want to look for a wall vendor that looks like this: 


There are 2 versions 0.4 and 0.3. They are called Minikin. The avatar comes with everything you need to make your self a petite including skin tinting and a hud to change your camera view. Clothes, wings, and hair are not included but they do have 4 boxes on the floor below some basic under wear and bikinis to start you out but even better then that they also give you some free untextured mesh forms for you to make your own clothes. In a future blog I will show how you can make your own clothes, wings, and hair. 

I also plan to put some stuff for free out in the avatar information area at my Kitaro dollar store. Also a great way to thank Caverna Obscura is to buy an outfit from them (most are around L$400). This is a great thing they are doing for the SL community. 

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